Below is a listing of the few local, in-person Self-Help Groups available to people with a shoplifting problem. Unlike groups for alcohol, drugs, gambling and other addictive problems, people who shoplift are frequently too ashamed or too afraid to reveal themselves. For this reason, anonymous and live Self-Help Groups are being formed by NASP online. (click here for local groups).

Coming soon, you will be able to anonymously participate in a NASP online Self-Help Group and speak with other individuals who want to address their issues with shoplifting.

You will be able to log on to a protected web room and listen and speak with each other in a live, real-time setting, at a weekly or other scheduled time of your choice.all from the comfort and privacy of your home.  The groups will be self-directed but will include a valuable Discussion Guide and will assign a Group Leader to help maximize each individual's resolution or recovery from the problem of shoplifting.

Joining an online self-help group will help you to:

  • see that you are not alone with this problem;
  • realize that there are other people who care about what happens to you;
  • allow yourself to listen to the thoughts and feelings of others;
  • ask your own questions;
  • get instant feedback from others who can understand your situation.


Click here if you are interested in joining a Self-Help Group and being automatically notified when this program becomes available. (Remember, just like all NASP programs, this is a completely confidential service as NASP does not exchange any information about its participants with any other entities whatsoever.)


Before the various groups are formed there are one or more things you can do to help yourself now and reduce the possibility of future incidents which might otherwise occur.  These things will help keep you more focused and safer from harming yourself.  If you don't choose one or more of these options now, then what ARE you going to do?

Here is what we recommend:

  1. Education Programs

Enroll in an Education Program that will give you an understanding of why you have become involved in shoplifting, why you hold on to shoplifting even though it hurts your self-respect, your family, your life and your health, how shoplifting can become addicting and techniques to help you stop now and forever. Click here to register or click on Education Programs to learn more about how you can stop shoplifting from the privacy of your own home. This is one of the best things you can for yourself.

  1. Telephone Coaching

Register for a private Telephone Coaching session with a personal coach who is trained to listen to your special situation, answer your questions and offer you immediate       understanding and guidance toward full recovery.  Click here to register or click on       Telephone Coaching to learn more.

  1. Self-Help Group Conference Call

Call the confidential NASP HelpLine at 1-800-848-9595 (9 to 5 ET) or click here to send a confidential e-mail. to participate in an existing live Self-Help Group Conference Call.  This choice is available to you only after you have gained a basic understanding of your problem from either the Home-Study Education Program or a  Telephone Coaching session described above.

  1. Articles

Read Articles about shoplifting and stories about individuals in the NASP National Learning & Resource Center.

  1. Success Stories

Read the Success Stories of others in the NASP National Self-Help & Support Center.

  1. Referral To Psychotherapist

Call the confidential NASP Helpline at 1-800-848-9595 (9 to 5 ET) or click here to send a confidential e-mail to get a Referral To a Psychotherapist in your area if you wish to receive individual psychotherapy.  Since the decision to enter individual psychotherapy is making one important choice over others, NASP will give you a referral to a therapist only after NASP is assured that you have a good understanding of your problem by completing either NASP's  Self-Assessment, Home-Study Education Program or Telephone Coaching session from the National Self-Help & Support Center.

  1. Psychological Studies

Reference a variety of Psychological Studies in the NASP National Learning & Resource Center.

                                    "If you do not change the direction in which you are going,

                                                you will end up where you are headed."

-          Confucius





If you have a question to ask or comments to share, please click here to contact us.