KIDS: Say “NO” To Shoplifting

You may have heard from peers that “shoplifting is no big deal” or that “everybody does it” but we assure you that anyone saying that, has not been caught shoplifting. The reality is that shoplifting is a very big deal especially to kids who get caught.

Here is what kids say who have been caught shoplifting:

“My parents are so disappointed in me”
“Stealing was my lowest point”
“I’m a statistic”
“The hardest thing is the way my parents look at me, like a bad person”
“I’m a good kid. I can’t believe I was so stupid”
“I’m so embarrassed”
“My friend said that if we got caught, she would say it was her alone. She didn’t.”
“My grandmother thought I was the best, now I think she looks down on me”
“What hurt the most is the way my mother cried when she saw me in handcuffs”
“I wanted to make something of myself, now I blew it”
“This one action will stick with me for the rest of my life”
“Now my parents feel they can’t trust me”
“The risk is just not worth the reward”
“I never realized how much this one stupid act could cost me and my family”

Shoplifting may seem tempting. But remember, when you shoplift, you risk the chance of losing trust and self-respect, a part of yourself which has far greater value than any item you could take from a store. Don’t kid yourself. Shoplifting is a crime with serious consequences.

If you think you may have a problem with shoplifting or have been recently caught, we encourage you to enroll in a program (with your parent’s permission) which will help you get back on track.

Encourage Others To Do The Same

You now realize that shoplifting is a “big deal”. Talk to your friends about what they have to lose by shoplifting and let them know that shoplifting is not all right with you. In addition, encourage your friends to join you in participating in the Honest To Goodness Project, a project aimed at preventing kids from shoplifting while building character.

Help prevent shoplifting by participating in the Honest To Goodness Project.


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