You and Shoplifting

10 Quick Questions YES NO
1. Do you ever shoplift to help yourself feel better?
2. Do you ever look forward to the next time you can get to the stores to shoplift again?
3. Do you find shoplifting sometimes relieves some of the stress and pressure in your life?
4. Do you sometimes wake up in the morning thinking about the next time you will shoplift?
5. Do you sometimes feel guilty, ashamed or remorseful after you shoplift?
6. Do you sometimes feel that shoplifting is like your best friend?
7. Do you promise yourself to stop shoplifting and don’t?
8. Do you plan your life so that shoplifting can fit into your schedule?
9. Do you continue to shoplift despite knowing that it is negatively affecting your life?
10. Do you sometimes feel that shoplifting is an addiction for you?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions above, shoplifting has become an issue for you and NASP can help.

If you have a question to ask or comments to share, please contact us at

Confidentiality Notice

The National Self-Help & Support Center is a place for people to come for confidential and safe help. NASP is committed to keeping all personal information secure. Participation in any of the NASP self-help programs and support services is held STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Any programs you request be sent to your address will not be identified as coming from the National Association For Shoplifting Prevention, but rather from the non-descript word “NASP”. No information will be released about your participation in any NASP program without your permission, except to a court or jurisdiction which ordered you to complete a NASP program. NASP is committed to protecting your identity and information. If you have any questions about this Confidentiality Notice or NASP practices, please call us toll-free at 800-848-9595.