
The National Association For Shoplifting Prevention (NASP) is a private nonprofit tax-exempt [501(c)(3)] organization whose mission is to raise public awareness about the harmful effects of shoplifting on youth, families and communities, unite public opinion toward constructive solutions, deliver needed programs and services and engage community action in prevention efforts to improve the lives of those affected and reduce the number of people who become involved.

The National Association For Shoplifting Prevention conducts research and offers communities technical assistance, training, education, prevention and rehabilitation programs with self-help and support services.

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  • Educate the public about the harmful effects of shoplifting in order to reverse the perception that shoplifting is “no big deal” or a "victimless" crime.

  • Empower communities with the knowledge and the tools to take an active role in prevention efforts.

  • Engage schools and community organizations in shoplifting prevention efforts for youth.

  • Encourage individuals caught up in the problem to seek help.

  • Encourage the criminal and juvenile justice communities to include secondary prevention programs as an additional sanction for offenders.

  • Support a National Shoplifting Prevention Coalition and act as the catalyst for community action, nationwide.

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Fundamental Principles

  • Shoplifting is not a “victimless” crime. It raises costs to consumers, takes tax revenue away from communities, forces companies to go out of business, burdens law enforcement and the courts and hurts the lives of individuals and families.

  • The temptation to shoplift or “get something for nothing” does not discriminate; it is prevalent in all neighborhoods among all ages, races, religions and social classes.

  • A person’s ability to resist the temptation to shoplift is enhanced or diminished by the attitude of their community-at-large.

  • At any age, shoplifting can be habit-forming or addictive and needs to be addressed like other addictive behaviors with appropriate programs and support.

  • Community apathy about shoplifting sends a message to the public that "crime pays."

  • Addressing the issue of shoplifting and its prevention fosters and builds honesty, integrity and character in our youth.

  • The most important factor in determining if a person will shoplift again, is their experience the time before.
  • Shoplifting prevention must be more than locks, security cameras, sensors and guards. Effective prevention must include community awareness, education and action.

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The Vision

A nation in which communities embrace shoplifting prevention as an important social issue and work together in taking action to significantly reduce its occurrence.

Specifically, NASP's vision is to achieve a society where . . . parents talk to their children about it; schools address it; kids say no to it; consumers resist temptation to do it; retailers actively pursue it; law enforcement willingly responds to it; courts effectively sentence it; mental health professionals understand it and people engaged in it, seek help to stop.

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