COMMUNITY LEADERS & LEGISLATORS: Engage Community Action in the Prevention of Shoplifting

With the hierarchy of problems facing community leaders and legislators today, it’s no surprise that shoplifting falls short on the list of “things to actively pursue and address”. However, because of its prevalence, the current lack of interest in dealing with and addressing shoplifting will most certainly serve to undermine standards of honesty, integrity and character within communities. Imagine a community in which 1 in 11 people, from the stock boy to the stockbroker, have learned through “casual” shoplifting that crime pays. Changing our society’s all too casual approach to shoplifting requires a national effort. Community leaders and legislators can add significant value to any shoplifting prevention effort.

  • Introduce legislation that requires the use of “offense-specific” education programs in the sentencing of both juvenile and adult shoplifting offenders.

  • Invite local retail loss prevention personnel to speak to your community and its leaders at events such as those sponsored by the local public library, the PTA or your Chamber of Commerce.

  • Urge independent retailers and Mall operators to participate in the community’s efforts by sponsoring education programs and community “toolkits” aimed at shoplifting prevention.

  • Help community youth programs, whether secular or faith-based, to offer programs for kids to examine their own character using the issue of shoplifting as a tool for the study of ethics.

  • Urge local police departments to respond promptly to your local merchant’s calls when they apprehend a shoplifter.

  • Implement a community action plan which engages individuals in the prevention of shoplifting.

To learn about utilizing juvenile shoplifting prevention programs in the communities you serve, visit the Honest To Goodness Project.

To learn about utilizing educational rehabilitation programs for adults and juveniles caught shoplifting in the communities you serve, visit the Criminal & Juvenile Justice Center.

To learn about the National Shoplifting Prevention Coalition, view member benefits or to become a member, click here.


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