National Association for Shoplifting Prevention







Education Program for Adults
(Shoplifting Class)

Looking for a program to comply with your court order or simply for help, support and understanding of why you shoplifted and how to stop doing it, in order to prevent a future incident or arrest? If so:

The National Association for Shoplifting Prevention (NASP), a non-profit organization, has developed a unique program (shoplifting class) for people in your position called the Shoplifters Alternative Course (SA Course). The program is used in hundreds of courts nationwide and presents everything you would ever want to know about shoplifting, so that you will have all the facts you need to help you make future decisions which are best for you.

Shoplifting Class for Adults

You might ask: “Why would I take an education program?” “I don’t plan on shoplifting ever again.” “I am basically a decent person who knows right from wrong.” “I don’t understand how any kind of program would help me to stop shoplifting in the future?”

To answer these questions, let us ask you a question:

For the vast majority of people, their answer is, “I don’t really know”. Maybe it was because you want nice things, didn’t want to spend the money, felt depressed, frustrated, confused, angry or bored. Maybe you just wanted to see if you could get away with it, or you were mad at the world and wanted to strike back.

Whatever the reason for you, over our long history since 1977, we have come to understand that your act of shoplifting is largely a symptom and a signal to you that there are underlying issues in your life which are causing you to feel excessive stress, fear or emotional pain. The need to relieve your discomfort creates an impulse to act in this way.

After impulsively taking your first item and “getting away with it”, you found some temporary satisfaction or relief from your internal personal stress, even though you may also have felt ashamed and afraid.

The SA Course will help bring you a new understanding about shoplifting; explain how you impulsively make these kind of decisions; highlight the true impact they have on your daily life, so you can immediately learn how to make better decisions for yourself. It will help to change the thinking, feelings and attitudes you now hold which have allowed you to shoplift in the past. It will reduce your risk of shoplifting and getting arrested in the future.

The SA Course is presented to you on two audio CD’s with a workbook. It takes about 5 to 6 hours to complete. You can use a regular CD player, a “boom box” or computer to listen to the program.

Your enrollment in the SA Course is strictly confidential and the program is easy to complete in the privacy of your own home.

Once you complete the program by answering several questions and sending us your answer sheet, NASP will send you a Completion Letter with recommendations and an offer of added support for anytime you may feel you need it.

Because we receive no government funds, there is a cost of $75 for the SA Course. However, if money is an issue for you right now, don’t simply give up … because the program is important for you. Instead, call us (toll-free) at 1-800-848-9595 (between 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Eastern Time) and we will try to help you. While you may understandably be reluctant to spend the money on yourself, remember that you are worth it and that the cost of a program for you is going to be less expensive than doing nothing … or trying to do it totally on your own.

If you have a charge pending with the court, your completion of the SA Course will demonstrate to the judge that you have taken responsibility for your actions by taking an education program, to help ensure that you never have another incident in the future. This can only help your case.

All program material sent to you will not be identified as coming from the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention, but rather from NASP. All credit cards will read NASP.

To register for the SA Course, click here

To view actual comments about the SA Course, click here.

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(Para adultos)

Busca un programa que lo ayude a cumplir una orden jurídica o simplemente busca la ayuda, el apoyo y la comprensión del por qué roba en las tiendas y cómo puede dejar de hacerlo?
¿Quiere prevenir otro incidente en el futuro o ser arrestado?
De ser así:

La Asociación Nacional de Prevención de Robo en las Tiendas (sigla en inglés NASP), es una organización sin lucro, cual ha desarrollado un programa excepcional para adultos llamada ‘Curso de Alternativa al Robo en las Tiendas’ (en inglés SA Course.) Muchos tribunales al nivel nacional usan el programa, el cual contiene todo lo que necesita saber sobre el robo en las tiendas, dándole todos los datos que necesita para que pueda hacer decisiones más

Usted puede preguntarse: “¿Por qué necesito un programa educacional?” “¿Yo jamás robaré en las tiendas?” “En realidad soy una persona decente y conozco la diferencia entre lo bueno y lo malo.” “No me explico cómo ese programa educacional me puede ayudar dejar de robar en las tiendas en el futuro.”

Déjeme contestar su pregunta, haciéndole una pregunta:

¿Por qué robó en las tiendas?

La mayoría de la gente responde diciendo, “En realidad no sé porque.” Quizás, usted quiere algo de mejor calidad y no quiere gastarme el dinero, se siente deprimida, frustrada, confusa, enfadada o aburrida. Quizás quiere probar su destreza de evadir a los demás, o estaba enojada con todo el mundo y quiere desquitarse.

No importa cual sea su razón, nuestros años de experiencia (desde el 1977) nos hace comprender que el acto de robar en las tiendas es casi siempre un síntoma o una señal a usted misma, de una condición interna en su vida, la cual le causa estrés, miedo o emoción de dolor. La necesidad de amortiguar su disgusto, le trae el impulso de actuar en esa forma.

Una vez toma el primer paso de “evadir con éxito”, siente una satisfacción o mitigación momentánea del estrés interno, aunque probablemente también siente vergüenza y miedo.

El Curso de SA, le enseña como tener una mejor compresión sobre el robo en las tiendas, le explica cómo hizo esa decisión impulsiva; y cómo puede destacar el impacto que esa acción realmente tiene en su vida cotidiana, para que aprenda inmediatamente cómo hacer la decisión que sea más beneficiosa para usted mismo. Además, le ayuda a cambiar su modo de pensar, su sentimiento y la actitud que tiene, siendo estos el instinto que lo llevó a robar en las tiendas en el pasado y reduce el riesgo de robar en las tiendas y ser arrestado en el futuro.

El Curso de SA, viene en dos paquetes de cintas magnetofónicas (CD), con un libro de trabajo. Se toma de 5 a 6 horas en completar. Puede escuchar el programa en un cassette, “boom box” o computadora.

La suscripción al Curso SA es estrictamente confidencial y fácil de completar en la comodidad de su propio hogar.

Una vez completa el programa; contestando todas las preguntas, nos envía la página, a vuelta de correo NASP le envía una carta de Cumplimiento del Programa, recomendaciones y una oferta de ayuda adicional para usarla cuando lo crea necesario.

Si tiene una carga pendiente en el tribunal, una vez completa el Curso SA le demuestra al juez, que usted asume responsabilidad por su acto, participando en un programa educacional, lo que ayuda a prevenir otro incidente en el futuro. Esa es una acción positiva para su caso.

Nuestra organización no recibe fondos del gobierno por consiguiente, el costo del Curso SA es de $75.00. No obstante, si actualmente el costo es un problema, no sé de por vencido, porque el programa es muy importante para usted. Llame gratis al 1-800-848-9695 entre las horas de 9:00 AM y 5 PM, hacemos todo sea posible para ayudarlo. Aún se sienta reluctante de gastar dinero en usted mismo, no olvide que usted se merece lo mejor y el costo del programa es mucho más económico que hacer nada o tratar de hacerlo sin ayuda.

Para proteger su privacidad, la materia que necesita para completar el programa se envía por correo e identifica su proveniencia de NASP solamente. Todos los cargos a las tarjetas de crédito leen NASP.

Para inscribirse en el curso, clic aquí: click here

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Shoplifting Class for Juveniles Education Program For Juveniles
(Shoplifting Class)

The National Association for Shoplifting Prevention (NASP), a non-profit organization, has developed a unique program (Shoplifting Class) for juveniles who have been involved in shoplifting called the Youth Educational Shoplifting Program (Y.E.S. Program). The program, which is partly presented by juveniles, includes everything a juvenile would ever want or need to know about shoplifting, so that he/she can make the best decisions for their life and their future. The Y.E.S. Program is currently used by over 10,000 juveniles each year.

As a parent you might ask: “Why should my child take an education program?” “The item was only $ .50.” “He says he’ll never do it again and I believe him.” “He is a decent kid who knows right from wrong.” “I don’t understand how any kind of program would help him more than what we have done already.”

To answer these questions, let us ask you a question:

The answer from the vast majority of juveniles is: “I don’t really know”. Sometimes it is because they want nice things, didn’t want to spend the money, felt pressured by friends, wanted to fit-in but felt unworthy, not attractive or not accepted, or were depressed, frustrated, confused, angry or bored. Maybe they just wanted to see if they could get away with it or were mad at the world and wanted to strike back.

Whatever the reason for your child, over our long history since 1977, we have come to understand that the act of shoplifting is largely a symptom and a signal to you that there are underlying issues in your child’s life which are causing him/her to feel excessive stress, fear or emotional pain, usually related to school, friends or the situation at home. For kids, the need to relieve their discomfort creates an impulse to act in this way.

After impulsively taking their first item and “getting away with it”, they find some temporary satisfaction or relief from their internal personal stress, even though they know right from wrong and may also have felt ashamed and afraid.

The value of the item taken is never the issue because shoplifting is not about the item, it’s about the act of stealing.

The Y.E.S. Program will help bring your child a new understanding about shoplifting in a very different way than he/she was probably told by friends; will explain how he/she impulsively makes these kind of decisions; highlights the true impact shoplifting has on his/her self-respect and daily life so that he/she can immediately learn how to make better decisions for himself/herself. It will help to change the thinking, feelings and attitudes your child now holds which allowed him/her to shoplift and will reduce his/her risk of shoplifting and getting arrested in the future.

The Y.E.S. Program is presented to your child on two audio CD’s with a workbook. It takes about 5 to 6 hours to complete. Your child can use a regular CD player, a “boom box” or computer to listen to the program.

Your child’s enrollment in the Y.E.S. Program is strictly confidential and the program is easy to complete in the privacy of your own home.

Once your child completes the program by answering several questions and sending us his/her answer sheet, NASP will send you a Completion Letter with recommendations and an offer of added support in the future anytime you may feel you need it.

If your child has a charge pending with the court, his/her completion of the Y.E.S. Program will demonstrate to the judge that he/she has taken responsibility for his/her actions by taking an education program, to help ensure that he/she never has another incident in the future. This can only help your court case.

There is a cost of $75 for the Y.E.S. Program. If you have a problem enrolling, call us (toll-free) at 1-800-848-9595 (between 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Eastern Time).

All program material sent to you will not be identified as coming from the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention, but rather from NASP. All credit cards will read NASP.

To register for the Y.E.S. Program, click here

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If you have a question to ask or comments to share, please click here to email us.
Shoplifters Anonymus National Association for Shoplifting Prevention