“We Help People Who Have Nowhere Else To Turn”

If you or someone you know has ever had a problem with shoplifting, then you know that it’s not easy for someone with a shoplifting problem to find understanding and support.

Other people with problems such as alcohol, drugs, gambling or domestic violence can seek help from a number of organizations without fear, but a person who shoplifts rarely has those options. Shoplifting remains one of our nation’s darkest secrets, with the root causes rarely revealed and little understood, leaving the public with the perception that anyone who shoplifts is just a common criminal. This leaves shoplifters either too ashamed or too afraid to seek help for themselves. This tragic situation must come to an end.

As a national non-profit [501(c)(3)] organization which originated from Shoplifters Anonymous, Inc., NASP is taking aim at a real solution. Building on its past experience, NASP has launched the SAFE Self-Help and Support Center to offer a wider variety of support services to individuals seeking help and to make its services readily available to those who need them most.

In addition, NASP is developing a national campaign to bring more information to the public about how shoplifting hurts individuals and families and ultimately steals from all of us.

You Can Support the SAFE Services With A
Tax-Deductible Donation
…and you can do it anonymously if you wish.

Since NASP is not government funded, individual donations are essential to help us continue to raise public awareness about the root causes of shoplifting, unite public opinion toward constructive solutions and provide self-help & support programs for millions of people who have nowhere else to turn.

All private donations to NASP will be used exclusively to develop and provide new services in support of its mission.

Click DonateNow to support the SAFE Self-Help and Support Center.


If you have a question to ask or comments to share, please click here to email us.