"Sound Off"

Tell Judges, Police and Retailers What You Think - They Want To Know.

If you are a person who has shoplifted, NASP offers you a way to anonymously tell others what you feel and think about your experience with shoplifting whether it be a specific incident or is a more general comment you want to share.

NASP believes that your comments (combined with hundreds of others) are an important and powerful tool to help encourage positive and long-lasting change in the way retailers, police, the courts & the public perceive and respond to shoplifting. Aside from the personal value to yourself and others in expressing your thoughts and feelings, it will please you to know that what you have to say will reach those who can make a difference.

NASP promises to anonymously share your comments with as many individuals and agencies as it can…nationwide. NASP will use its Coalition membership and partners to circulate comments received which you designate for a specific group(s). (Of course, your identity will never be revealed and any comments which name a specific individual or agency will be forwarded only to that individual or agency. References to specific individuals or agencies will be blocked from general circulation.)


Terms of Use and Privacy Notice
NASP reserves the right to delete any comments (at its sole discretion) which use profanity, are repetitive, are defamatory to a specific person or entity or are otherwise unlawful. All reference to a specific person or entity will be blocked when comments are shared with all Coalition members. Only those Coalition member persons or entities requesting specific comments about themselves or their organization will have access to the same. The author’s identification is neither collected nor shared with any entity.


If you have a question to ask or comments to share, please click here to email us.